2001-08-16 - 8:51 p.m.

Okay. So I should have written before this.

Things have been rather emotional the past few days. The last two nights I've fought with TMSOIHRN (that's The Most Significant Other I Have Right Now... unfortunately, that acronym doesn't say anything cool, like I had hoped it would, so I think I'll just refer to him as "MD" from now on (no, those aren't his initials)) and I've cried and cried and cried and cried and the night before last I cried so much I gave myself the biggest headache ever. This time, I didn't take ten million kinds of drugs. But I had to take two ketoprofens and lay in bed in the dark with frozen peas on my head for a while. (The miracle cure for migraines -- frozen peas!)

So that's... um... that. I guess that paragraph didn't really have a point.

Last night, after a brief fight, I went to see The Butchies, Amy Ray, and La Tigre at the Barrymore. It was quite excellent. I fell in love with everyone in La Tigre. And I saw a girl who looked totally like Kami and I stared at her until she started looking uncomfortable and glancing at me out of the corner of her eye and I realized that I was being creepy.

La Tigre just rocked my world, though. No wonder they're Shahla's favorite band. (Shahla is co-president of Wisconsin NOW and a friend of mine.)

The Butchies were good and after seeing her, I have to agree with the whole lesbian world that yes, Kaia is hot. So are the rest of them. And if y'all don't know this already, they're naked in this month's issue of On Our Backs. Woo! Fisting!

Amy Ray was excellent. I left halfway through her set, though. Shahla and her friends all left a few songs into it because they weren't enjoying it. (They're not really "folky" people.) And I left a song or two after that because I could tell that if I stayed much longer, I was going to have another killer headache. It was REALLY loud in there. and we were pretty far up front.

And so. Yes. Tomorrow morning Shahla and I head off for Chicago and a weekend of good music and stuff at LadyFest. I'm very excited. We're going to stay in a hostel down there and it'll be very cool.

I'm scared about school starting. I've enjoyed having all this time off this summer and I don't want it all to start again. Blargh. Oh well. I do have good classes this semester. African Storyteller and Comparative Anatomy. I just have to make myself do good.

I should really clean Solomon's tank.

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