2001-08-02 - 8:37 p.m.

Okay. I thought that since I said that I was going to start writing again that I should probably write eventually. Or something.

I doubt that any of this will make that much sense because I have a headache. I, rather stupidly, I think, upon reflection, have availed myself of all headache cures in my possession. Meaning that I took two extra strength tylanol, two ibuprofens, one ketoprofen, and I masturbated. The headache is smaller now, but still very present.

I've been having constant headaches lately. I think it's stress or something. I've been very depressed the past few days. But I think that one of the reasons for that is that I took a ketoprofen for a huge migraine last week and ketoprofen has yellow #5 in it, which I'm allergic to. It makes me moody and depressed and full of anxiety. Today I had a bright idea. Before I took the ketoprofen, I took it into the bathroom and washed off the outer green coating. However, the inside of the pill is pale green. I'm not sure if that's from coloring or if ketoprofen is just that color. I guess we'll see.

So I think that for the sake of writing, I shall write about my adventure last night. I was woken up around 2 AM by enormous crashing and banging outside. It was God bowling again. And also throwing down huge lightening bolts. An enormous thunderstorm. And I laid awake and listened to it for a while. Then decided that I might as well turn on the light and read, since I obviously wasn't going to be able to get to sleep. So I laid there a while. Then I noticed that there was a problem. Water was coming in the window everywhere. Blowing all over the bed and pillow and soaking things. It filled up one window sill and was pouring over the side, down the wall, and soaking into the carpet. So I had to execute emergency rescue measures. Included in this was changing the sheets and bailing out the window sill with a measuring cup into a pot and pouring the water into a potted plant. It was a mess, but eventually things got sorted out and eventually I got back to sleep.

I woke up once more briefly while another big thunder/lightening thing passed overhead, but there were no more crises.

I fully realize that this entry was written entirely stupidly and my grammar and style and all that leave much to be desired. Blame it on all the pharmaceuticals running through my bloodstream at present.

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