2003-12-30 - 2:36 p.m.

Ah, taco Tuesday, how I love thee. Cheap food from Taco John's is filling my tummy right now. Greasy ground beef, probably filled with mad cow prions, tasteless tomatoes and iceberg lettuce. Yummy!

Well, the day after tomorrow my family leaves early in the morning to go to Ohio and watch my sister Gretchen enter the slavery of marriage. She has such boring wedding registry requests. Mine would definitely be much more like my Amazon.com wishlist. Because when I'm married, I will definitely need things like the Babylon 5 complete season 1 and books on amphibians.
(It's because I totally plan on marrying G'Kar and starting a mutated amphibian farm, like in eXistenZ.)

P.S. I think G'Kar's really hot.
P.S.S. I also think the Uruk-hai captain is really hot too.

Speaking of Lord of the Rings, I'm hopefully going to see "Return of the King" tomorrow. Either with Keith or with Clay or with both.

Work is too hectic to write much right now.

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