2002-03-07 - 7:27 p.m.

The way I tell that I need to get my hair cut is when it starts getting in my mouth when I give blowjobs.

I need a haircut. Pity I don't have any money. But I get paid tomorrow. But I still don't have nearly enough money. Ugh. I'm seriously broke.

My car is officially dead now. I mean, it still runs, but it'd done for. And I'm not going to use it anymore because although it still runs, it has very iffy brakes and that is not a good thing. Needs a bunch of brake stuff fixed and replaced. And a whole bunch of suspension and shock stuff replaced. It would cost $2000 to fix it and then it'd just be a matter of time before the next thing broke. So Darwin, my lovely little '87 grey and silver Chevy Nova hatchback that I learned to drive in is dead.


The same day my car died, my great-aunt Aleta died. That was kind of shocking, though she'd been dying for a while and it was really the best thing. (She had multiple sclerosis, among other things, and has been in a wheelchair as long as I can remember.) Unlike a bunch of my other great aunts (like Aunt Kay Kay and Aunt... um... I forget her name), my family was pretty close to Aunt Aleta. She was my mother's mother's only sister. Part of the matriarchy.

(My Great Grandmother (Gramma Catlett) had two daughters, Aleta and Dawn. Aleta had one daughter, my mother's cousin (and my second cousin) Robin. Dawn had three daughters, my mother, my Aunt Tootie (no, that's not her real name), and my Aunt Sheila. My mother had five daughters, me, obviously, and my four younger sisters. The only boys in the line are Robin's two boys, my second cousins once removed, Drew and Levi, and my Aunt Tootie's two sons, Jimmy and Danny. (They both also had one daughter each.) I'm the oldest daughter of an oldest daughter of an oldest daughter... and it might go back further from there... I'm not sure.

Anyway, it's a pretty strong matriarchy. I come from strong West Virginia women.

My mother had to go home for the funeral, of course. (She lived with Aunt Aleta for a while while she was growing up and her parents were getting divorced.) My great grandmother, Aleta's mother, had a heart attack during the final viewing, but she's okay.
I don't know what we'll do when she dies. She's been more a gramma to me than any of my other grandmothers. I grew up a mile away from her house.

This is a pretty morbid entry. I didn't intend for it to be that way when I started writing. But life is that way sometimes.

The same day that Darwin and Aunt Aleta died I was also asked to resign as treasurer of NOW because I'm basically a flake and don't know what I'm doing. I agreed and I felt some measure of relief because it really is the best thing, but it still made me feel pretty cruddy. It was a bad bad day.

I told M.D. about it and he immediately cancelled his plans with a friend that night and came over. He can be pretty damn decent sometimes.

He's coming over tonight. I'm excited. I see him so rarely, which is kind of ironic, since he lives closer than he did back when I used to see him several times a week. But I guess things have changed. It's... hard. Very hard soemtimes.

Okay, now a happy note. I took my entomology lab exam on Tuesday and got a solid B on it! This is way bigger of a deal than it should be.
The secret of my success is that I made up little rhyming couplets to remember the bugs' names, like so:

Orthoptera is the suborder that jumps
Acrididae the grasshopper leads over the bumps
Tettigoniidae is shy and green
Gryllidea's a cricket that sings while you dream.

I expect the Pulitzer committee to call any day now.

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