2002-03-28 - 10:25 p.m.

A list of things. Because that is what feels most comfortable right now.

1. I started my period last Sunday night and I wasn't supposed to. I still have four days worth of pills left to take before I should start my breakthrough bleeding phase. Luckily, I started long enough ago to not interfere much with the gynecologist appointment I had today.

2. The gynecologist appointment went well. I must reiterate, as I do every time, how much I love my gynecologist. She is just the best. Visits to her really are fun.

3. I have a psychiatrist appointment tomorrow morning. I have to wake up early to catch the bus at 9:00 to ride all the way out to the West Transfer Point, where I will get off and walk a half mile or so to the psychiatrist's office. I will bring my walkman and listen to this book.

4. After the pdoc appointment, I will go to work at the public library, where I will listen to this book.

5. Random link from my IE favorites file.

6. I have a headache tonight. I had one last night too.

7. I watched A Beautiful Mind tonight. The Salon article was right... they did dumb it down a lot and leave out a lot of the complications that made it so interesting. But it was still a good movie. Y'all should just read the book too.

8. I've been very depressed lately. Things with MD are just... falling apart. I can't live like this.

9. Suddenly I think this entry is falling apart too. I don't think I can write any more right now.

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