2002-01-26 - 12:02 p.m.

A ragged collection of information:

1. I'm back in school now after winter break. Been back for about a week now. Entomology is going to be fun... we have a great professor. We have to make bug collections and I'm all psyched up about going out at night with a head lamp and stomping around in streams with rubber boots and scooping things up.

2. Evolutionary biology is going to be hard, but will be easier once I get the book (for some reason, even with shipping, it was cheaper if I ordered it from England). Also, Sher, my favorite TA from comparative anatomy last semester is the TA for our class this semester and that makes me happy. She tells good cannibal jokes.

3. I'm hungry.

4. I'm wearing awesome Swedish military pants right now. I absolutely love them. Bargain Outfitters is my new god.

5. I'm still happily relationshipped. MD and I have been together for over a year now and we still fight constantly, but hey, the sex is good.

6. Don't worry. I'm not really that shallow.

7. For some reason the internet is half down here at work. I can get to some URLs, like diaryland here, but not others, like the urban legends page. I can still get to Salon, though, so I can still read about Enron and Shrubby giving our money to the Pentagon so we can inflict more collateral damage.

8. Oops. That wasn't very patriotic. Sorry.

9. I'm not really sorry, though.

10. This computer keeps making weird noises. Something's up with the fan. I don't really care. Just so it doesn't blow up on me.

11. I applied for a new apartment last night. I went and saw it during the day. There's a big black talking cat living in it now that I petted a lot. Unfortunately, it doesn't come with the apartment. But it has its own kitchen and bathroom and I can have a cat there, which makes me extremely happy and excited. On the downside, it's $410 a month, which is $135 a month more than I'm paying right now. But I should be grateful, I know, since you people in New York are probably drooling at the thought of rent so low.

12. I got a sexy deep plum-colored satin dress from Esprit yesterday, along with two tanktops. I feel so trendy. But at least I'll be sexy while I'm trendy.

13. Yesterday I went to the grocery store and picked up some toilet paper and stood in line to check out and right before checking out, I realized that I didn't have enough cash with me and I'd left my wallet at Keith's place earlier that day. So I had to put the toilet paper back.

14. I have a fourth job now. I was just hired to maintain the webpage of the LGBT Campus Center. Five hours a week. I'm excited, but nervous. I hope I can do a good enough job.

15. The last book I read: Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man. Highly recommended.

16. Book I'm currently reading: The Boxer's Heart. It's good.

17. Book I will read next: Flatland. I've been wanting to read this since I was a kid in West Virginia and read part of it in one of those kid's encyclopedias that I can't remember the name of. But the Morgantown Public Library didn't have it so I had to wait until now.

18. I've started running again. Not too far and not too fast, but it's feeling pretty good.

19. Last June I lost my keys and never recovered them. Yesterday I finally got around to having someone cut my bike lock off. It'd been sitting there in front of Urban Outfitters on State Street for all that time. It cost around $80 to get the lock cut off, to buy a new lock (from the Yellow Jersey) and to buy oil to oil up the chain. Luckily, the air for the tires was free.

20. Only one more hour of work to go. I'm really hungry. I guess I'll get a can of soda from the machine. Citra, of course. Why does Citra taste so good. MD likes to mix his vodka with it.

That's all of the list for now.

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