2002-04-08 - 2:33 p.m.

an excerpt from an email to Keith

And I have so much to tell you about my day yesterday!
I went in to meet for the bug field trip, but I was too late because of daylight savings time and my forgetfulness. So I rode my bike home.

And there are loons all over the lake! And they were yelling and laughing! And I stopped on the lakeshore path and started looking for bugs in a rotting stump. I dug out all kinds of grubs and larvae that took a long time to die in the alcohol. And I slipped and fell on a rock right by the lake and bruised one of my knuckles really bad. It looks cool, like I was in a fist fight or something. But it's hard to crack that knuckle now because it hurts when I press on the bruise.

Anyway, I got home eventually and told my mother about the loons on AIM. And she got excited and ended up coming down in the evening with Becca to see them. So we went out to lakeshore path again and looked at the loons through binoculars. They're really big and when they yell they stretch out their necks forward real far and open their mouths really wide. We also saw grebes and duckducks. And Becca was all over the place, up and down the hill. She asked if they could come back every day.

They came up to my room to see Solomon afterwards because Becca has never seen him. But she wouldn't touch him because she said that he was too small and weird looking, not like Parley. And she rushed around my room getting into everything. Luckily before they came all the way into the room, I rushed over to the bed and shoved my dildo under it. I can just see Becca getting ahold of that and my mother having a heart attack. Becca also threw my rabbitskin in the trash and wanted to smash up my bug collection.

I've had reports that Mugwort has suddenly gotten fatter. They thought he ate Moppet at first, but then they found Moppet in the garage, quacking. So soon I'll have to go home and see this natural wonder -- or perhaps Mugwort is an unnatural wonder -- for myself.

Anyway, I am glad to hear that you are feeding your piggy well. I am sorry that you haven't seen any pigs or bugs or presidents, but Tony Blair was just down there! Did you see him? If you do see him, capture him and bring him back with you. I want to keep him in my room and make him talk to me in his Tony Blair voice.

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