2001-09-11 - 1:30 p.m.

i feel like i should write something. mostly because i want to read something from other people about what's going on. i wonder about people in New York and what they're doing and if they're okay and how they're feeling. And I just wonder about the reactions of people in general.

i'm referring, of course, to the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington.

one reaction that two people i've talked to have had rather scares me. it's this revenge thing. this need to strike back and punish. i think that's counterproductive and poisonous. an eye for an eye may sound fair, but it's not the best way to run a country peacefully. not that we should just take it either. i think that the problem needs to be identified and stopped by whatever means are necessary. but striking back... making them pay... no. violence begets more violence and we should stop the cycle right here.

but, of course, Bush is an idiot and won't do that. he'll turn it into a war and rally all the United Sheep of America and tell them that they're doing something good and righteous by killing and raping countries and people.

and then, just for fun, he'll ban abortion and lift environmental restrictions and effectively repeal all those pesky civil rights for minorities, but all in the interest of National Security and the War Effort and oh, am I ranting here?

Fancy that.

so yeah.

i'm horrified by it all. i sat upstairs in a room they set up in the library to show CNN on a big screen for anyone to go watch it. and i was mesmerized and terrified by the destruction and raw power and callous killing.

and i also kind of feel like i'm in the book Black Sunday by Thomas Harris. (His first book, before he wrote Red Dragon and Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal.)

Yeah. Not that that predicts this disaster or anything dramatic like that. It was just about terrorists and big bombs and killing lots of people. They were Palastinian terrorists. It was an interesting book. Not my usual fare. But it was okay.

So anyway. I think I've finished up with my take on things at this point.

My back is so tight and hurts so bad. Ugh. MD worked on it some last night, but it didn't do much. I need a piggy massage!

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