2001-09-10 - 12:44 p.m.

So I'm not even supposed to be working now (according to the schedule), but I agreed to skip my lunch and come in and help out here because someone couldn't be here or something and it's really busy today. So I'm sitting at the law library, hungry, while earning an extra $8 or something. For some reason, it's worth it. I also have to pee, but that can wait.

There have been so many laptop problems lately. All these new students coming in with their laptops, wanting them configured and at least 25% of them have some sort of weird problem. And then we just got a wireless network running here and we're having problems getting that all settled in. And people want to know how to use the printers and how to log in properly and why isn't their password working and so on and so forth.


It's Wheat Thins from the snack machine for lunch for me today.

I'm trying to get settled into classes. I have to make do with some older editions of the books required for some of my classes because I'm trying to save money, so at my 11:00 class, African Storyteller, I realized that I read all the wrong stories. But oh well. I don't think it did me too much harm and I will do better next time, sir.

I'm working 45 to 50 hours a week currently, which helps out my supervisors a lot, since I'm able to fill in some odd hours for them, and it's good for my bank account, since I have about $1500 to pay this month, in addtion to my $275 rent and my phone bill and that. But it wears me down. I come home at the end of every day worn out, even though I haven't been doing anything particularly strenuous.

I'm glad that I don't have any exams this semester that are outside of class, in the evening, because I think all I could manage to do at the end of the day is maybe drool on the paper.

I start work at 8 on four mornings a week and end work at 9. Of course it's not all solid work, since I also have classes in there. But I only have about an hour off a day total. On Fridays I don't have class until 11, so I can sleep in until 10 and that's nice, but I still work until 9 PM. And on Saturdays I can sleep in until around noon. And on Sundays I work from 9 AM to noon, and that's all. And then I go home and put on my pajamas and get online and take naps and read and do homework.

And I think that writing about all that has made me rather stressed out because my throat just suddenly became sore. A sore throat is usually a sign of stress. And stress leads to lowered immune response which leads to colds, especially when the seasons and temperatures are changing, which leads to more sore throats.

And now I suppose I should go pee and then trip off to my comparative anatomy lab, which today is apparently going to be just a three hour lecture on taxonomy and stuff. (I have to know a tremendous amount of stuff for an exam on Thursday. Yes, this is only a week after my first class. This is a pre-med class.)


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