2002-07-11 - 9:14 p.m.

Last night there was a cat in heat behind the house. I had to turn the fan back on (after turning it off earlier that night because it was cold) to drown out the noise.

Right now I'm headachy and tired and worn out from talking to Tony earlier today. I broke up with him last Saturday. We're still negotiating the breakup, though it's been decided that I get to keep the TV he gave me. It has also been decreed that I am selfish and rude, but that is not a unanimous opinion. It's been hard. He seems shocked that I would decide something like this without consulting him. I was always the one that was fiercely in love with him while he said that it would probably be best if we broke up.

Oh, I'm especially selfish about sex and give only about 10% of what I take.

Damn fucking damn, that pisses me off.

But I'm not going to get into it any further.

Suffice it to say that it's very wearing every time I talk to him.

It seems like it should be harder to walk away from a relationship of over 1.5 years, but right now I just want it to end so I don't have to deal with all this anymore. Hopefully it will be over soon.

I just hooked up my new/old CD player from half.com. It sounds so kickass through these speakers. I'm so used to my little Magnavox boombox. But it was dying and wouldn't play some CDs and only parts of others. So I got this one for only $20. It's over ten years old and my father predicted that it wouldn't work, but it works just beautifully.

Last night I met Keith for dinner outside the Parthenon on State Street. I sat there for about 15 or 20 minutes before I looked behind me and realized that he was on the opposite side of the bush I was sitting by and we just hadn't seen each other. That was silly.

After eating gyros and fries and watching Greek music videos from the midninties or so, we came back here and he helped me with my physics. And then I got all wrapped up in looking at this page after we had a conversation on whether there was such a thing as conjoined triplets (there haven't been any documented cases, which, Keith said, "sounded like a challenge").

Then came the cat in heat.

This morning I was late to class again. I'm taking an intro Hsing I class at 8:50 four mornings a week and it's very hard to get out of bed early enough to catch the bus over there every morning.

We spent this morning doing Qigong stuff. I fell asleep once and when he started talking again jerked awake with a full body twitch. Like a girl I was talking with afterwards said, one thing this class has taught us is how to fall asleep on hard floors.

At around 11:30AM I called Ameritech to arrange to have my phone switched over to my new apartment next month and I got a message that they were closed... at 11:30AM on a Thursday. Somehow I thought that that time fell within normal business hours. Ameritech has such a reputation for sucky service, and its well deserved. I would switch to another local carrier, but that would be so much work. Blar.

Tonight I walked home after work along the Lakeshore Path, slowly, while reading. I was just worn out. It was while I was at work that I talked to Tony online. I walked to Memorial Union and got a salad and fries there and an ice cream cone that I ate on the way home.

And then when I got here, I found anna's journal intstallment in the mail and laid down and read half of it before I was unable to suppress the urge to get up and write.

I decided that I wasn't going to try to fill in the gaps with what I've been doing since I last wrote. That's boring and tiring. However, I will say that I've started collecting and reading all the Love and Rockets books and spending a lot of time doing office hours at the LGBT Campus Center.

I think that's all I'm going to write for now. No promises on when I'll write next.

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