2002-04-25 - 9:48 a.m.

Does anyone else find it hard to think that bin Laden is evil when they look at a picture of him? I mean, he has such beautiful, peaceful eyes. He looks like a wise old sage or something. I suppose that maybe that's some of his appeal.
I'm not saying that he isn't a bad person... I'm just saying that he doesn't look like one in his pictures, which, I imagine, is probably rather deliberate. If he looked like a raving madman, foaming at the mouth, I doubt he'd have as many followers.

Anyway. I'm here at work, though I'm not working right now. I got here two hours early because I stayed at my parents' house last night and rode in with my dad this morning. I got to sleep with my twittercat. He's so dumb. And the other cats are dumb too. I watched Moppet jump into the frog tank last night... he thought the lid was on it and it wasn't, so he fell right into the water. He was not pleased.

So. Yes.

Last Saturday Keith and I went to the park by the zoo and fed ducks and there was a cuddleduck there! She was a mallard and she was so sweet and funny. She'd eat out of your hands and if you weren't feeding her directly, she'd walk right up to your lap and start grabbing bread out of it. And she let us pet her without minding too much. Ducks are so funny. I love them.
There were Canadian geese there, but they were regal and standoffish, not cuddlegeese. They had a honking fit right in Keith's face when a dog walked by.

And we looked through the zoo fence (it was closed) at the peacocks and turkeys and the male peacocks were doing buttwiggling dances at the female ones, who tried to walk away from them as quickly as possible. I would too. And the male turkey got all puffed up and gobbled. And there was one big bird with beautiful eyes and camel-like feet that we called an emu at the time, but I think it was actually a female ostrich.

Now. Well. Things are, for the moment, okay right now. M.D. and I still might break up... we talked about it more last night, but not in depth. Really, who knows what will happen.
I'm kind of afraid of being single... not because it means that I won't be in a relationship in and of itself... but rather because I'm afraid that once I'm single again, people will expect things of me... sex and dating and such. And I just really hate the thought of that right now. Maybe it's because I feel right now like I don't want to be with anyone other than M.D.. Or maybe it's because I hate to feel obligated to do stuff like that and I hate having to say no as well. People can be so demanding. And I'm so bad at saying no and so I give in and then I feel like shit afterwards and, dammit, just fuck off.
Thinkiing about it all makes me want to shut myself away in a convent so I won't have to deal with the demands of men.

Hm. I didn't mean for that to turn into a rant.

So anyway. Change of subject.

Yesterday I got home to grab some stuff before taking the bus out to work, where my mother would pick me up at 8:30 and take me home for the night. Only when I got to the front door, I realized that I didn't have my keys. And I called Keith from the payphone at the church across the street and I hadn't left them at his place. So I figured that I must have left them somewhere in the entomology building, since the last time I remembered using them was there. I figured I'd take the number 10 bus down and look for them. But I looked at my bus schedule and found that the 10 bus had stopped running for the day and no other buses when that way in the evening. So I had to walk to the Union, where I had eaten before coming home, and I looked there quickly to see if I might have dropped them around the table where I sat. Then I took the L bus over to the entomology building and there my keys were, hanging out of the lock to my lab drawer. Idiot. I was very relieved to find them there, though, since if they hadn't have been there, I wasn't sure where else to look.

So I got to work late and yadda yadda yadda.

Dude, some of the ads in Mother Jones are weird. This place is advertised there and it's not that hammocks are all that weird or anything, it's just that they seem so goddamned gung-ho about them... like they're the cure to life's ills or something. I find it vaguely disquieting.
Back, hammocks, back! Get thy vile woven fabrics away from me!
I'm sure it's all some sort of plot.

Just as a random plug, I'd like to say that I think thatPound is one of the best online journals ever, and Wendy rocks my world.

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