2002-07-18 - 6:10 p.m.

Good heavens, I just can't seem to get this optics stuff into my head. I'll be so glad when physics is over.

So things with Tony aren't over yet. We had a good long talk last Saturday night/Sunday morning and he said a lot of things that I've been needing to hear from him for a long time. A lot of things I wish I had known. We still have a lot to talk about and I don't know what's going to happen, of course, but it's not over yet.

So the summer is going along pretty well right now. Not that much time for sleep, though.

Somehow in between classes and work I've been managing to read a lot of stuff. Mostly because I read while I'm walking and waiting for the bus and on the bus and stuff. Right now I'm reading The Triumph of Sociobiology by John Alcock and Nothin' But Good Times Ahead by Molly Ivins. Just finished with Gloria Steinem's Revolution from Within, which I didn't think was that great. Next I'll read The Unlikely Ones and The Middle of Everywhere. Not like I don't have enough books to read, but hey, I always like more! Email me some!

Now I have to close down the lab.

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